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The Registry of Nature Habitats Certification

The Registry of Nature Habitats

We have designed and started this program in 2002 to promote the use of sound and prudent practices when developing or designing a nature habitat. There are many schools of thought and not any one is correct. We do know however, that certain ones are wrong. We hope through this program, people can become educated as to which practices are not good for a nature habitat and learn and use practices that have been proven to encourage wildlife and a healthy environment.

What are the benefits to this certification?

  1. Your site will be Admitted to The Registry of Nature Habitats tm.
  2. Certificate of property's admittance into the Registry.
  3. Recognition that you have done your part to improve our environment.
  4. Assistance on developing your Nature Habitat.
  5. Special pricing on merchandise sold by A Bird's Home .

A Backyard Habitat is the manipulation of your yard into a landscape that provides essential resources for different kinds of wildlife, such as birds, butterflies, small mammals and other creatures. This could entail something as simple as planting a few host plants for butterflies or as elaborate as creating a place that provides food, water, summer shade, winter refuge, perches, nesting sites, and hiding places for all kinds of wildlife. This ecologically minded gardening is especially critical in areas of excessive development. Natural wildlife habitat is disappearing quickly. Creating a backyard habitat is the perfect way for you, your family, and your schools to help conserve wildlife while being able to enjoy observing it every day in your own backyard.

Is there a fee to apply?

No! Your application and admittance to the registry is free. There are never any charges to be a member. Our goal is to improve habitat across the country. We do ask that you purchase products from our nature store. Profits are used to support the registry.

What are the steps?

1) Complete the application to be Admitted to The Registry of Nature Habitats tm .

2) Send in pictures documenting your application.

3) Provide a site map of property.

4) Send pictures to The Registry or mail to:

Registry of Nature Habitats
PO Box 321
Meridale, NY 13806

5) Property will be admitted or rejected based on overall score of the property's habitat.

6) Accept terms and conditions of the registry.

Do I have to own the property I am applying for?

No, but you need permission from the owner to apply.

Can the property be a commercial or recreational property?

Yes. We will accept applications from all types of properties.

What if my property is rejected?

We use a scoring system to determine the overall state of the habitat on a certain property. If your property is rejected, we will list those areas that need improvement. Once these improvements have been made, a property will be re-evaluated for admittance. You will still be a member and receive all the benefits of a property that has been admitted. You will not receive a property home page until your property has been admitted.

Will I have access to my property's home page?

No. This information will be posted in a standard format.

Will my address be listed?

All properties will be listed by City/State only. Your address and/or phone number will only be listed if you choose to do so.

What is my discount on products sold by A Bird's Home?

All members will receive a 10% discount in addition to specials only offered to members.

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